Thursday, September 30, 2010

Scripture Study On Positive Thinking

I enjoy reading Norman Vincent Peale's book The Power of Positive Thinking, almost yearly. I can easily move my thoughts towards negative thoughts rather quickly. Unfortunately, it is more natural for me than those nice positive thoughts. I have noticed that one of my sons seems to have this same dilemma. So, we are going to try a Scripture Study on Positive Thinking for the month of October. Each day the boys will have a scripture to look up and read based on recommend bible verses from Mr. Peale's book.

With our Scripture Study, the boys will:

Learn how to look up bible verses

Read the bible verses

Color the square on the calendar

Copy bible verses to a note card

At the end of the month if all of the squares are colored in on the calendar, the boys can earn a book from the used bookstore in town.

Today, we made a trip to store to purchase a bible for Jacob. He was so excited to finally get his own bible!

We also took the time today to learn how to look up the bible verses. Jacob got it on the first try! I remember as a kid that it took me a long time to understand chapter and verse. I can't help but think he was actually paying attention to what I was doing and saying!

If you are interested in the bible verses we are doing for the month of October, see the link below.

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