Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Flat Travelers - Our First Adventure!

We joined a very active facebook group called the Homeschool Swapping Adventures.  Each month our flat friends travel to a new state (or country if you choose to do so) for a new adventure.

To start this new fun adventure the boys needed to create their flat traveler.

Ryan chose to have a football player named Adrian Peterson #28 of the Vikings and Jacob decided to do a snowmobiler.  I decided to print out a picture of our dog, Kramer, so she could tag along with the flat travelers and 'watch' them for us.  We also decided to laminate the travelers so they can last for all 50 states!

We also created a journal page for the family that we visit to fill out.

Once we choose to travel overseas to other countries we will send our passport with our flat travelers.

Our first trip will be to the state of Washington.  Our travelers and our family are excited to hear about all of the fun adventures our Washington family has in store for our travelers.  We just need to brain storm what fun things to do with their traveler when they get here...

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